Yesterday, Blizzard announced Diablo 4 Season 1, Season of the Malignant. The season launches on July 20, 2023 so you have around two weeks before the season starts. So if you’re playing Diablo 4 right now, what should you do to best prepare for the launch of season 1?
We’re going to highlight five different things that you should aim to do before the season starts. Think of this as a bit of a checklist. Some of these things you’ll be able to do right now, but others will have to wait until the patch for the season goes up on July 18, 2023. We’ll talk about that more in a bit.
5. Finish the Campaign
The first thing that you’ll definitely want to do if you haven’t yet is complete the base campaign for Diablo 4. When a new season starts, the seasonal story will only be available to you only if you’ve completed the base campaign. You won’t have to complete the base campaign in the season if you’ve already completed it beforehand, so having that done will allow you to jump straight into the new content.
4. Get all the Altars of Lilith and reveal the map

Probably the most important thing that you can do before the season starts is go around Sanctuary and find all of the Altars of Lilith in each zone. On top of that, make sure that you also completely uncover the fog of war on the map in every zone as well. These two things will carry over into the season, and you’ll get all the renown that comes with these objectives on your new seasonal character.
If you complete both of these objectives 100% for all of the zones, you’ll start the new season with the first two rewards from each zone (5 skill points and 5 extra potions), meaning that you’ll be off to the races in leveling your new character.
3. Pre-patch on July 18th
This one is pretty easy, but you’ll want to make sure that you pre-patch the game on July 18th. This is going to ensure that you don’t have to do it on launch day and can get into the action as soon as the season goes live.
2. Log in on your characters with the most renown progress

After you’ve done items four and three, you’ll want to log onto your characters on July 18th, or at least before you start your seasonal character. This is very important because once you log in, the game will check your progress on finding Altars of Lilith and revealing the map and mark that progress on your account.
If you log into a character with different progress that isn’t on another character, the system will add that progress to what’s on your account. Then once you create your first seasonal character, that progress will be set and you’ll have that renown ready to go.
1. Play the Diablo 4 Season 1 pre-patch
The seasonal patch releasing on the 18th isn’t just so players can preload it for season launch. All the balance changes, as well as all new unique items and legendary aspects coming for the season will be available on the Eternal Realm. Take the time between the 18th and the 20th to play around with the new items and powers, or do a practice run of leveling a new character.
This is a great way to have a smooth season launch so you can maximize your time slaying monsters in the Season of the Malignant. If you have any other suggestions for things to do before Season 1 launches, head over to the Discord and share with the community! Also let us know what you’re planning to start in Season 1!